Tuesday, August 3, 2010

E portfolio on web

We got some directions on how to create an eportfolio , which can cutomised for a teacher or a student. It was amazing, when Greg showed a sample of e portfolio in the lecture. I have only seen my son's portfolio in his kindergarden in a big book form. In the e portfolio it had all the work done by the students with teachers comments setup in a creative way and also visual clips of the student inaction like speaking in front of the class , describing an artefact they had got from home.
Greg also showed us a sample e portfolio made by a teachr which included her personal profle, her experiences as a teacher, her philiosophy, some resourses she uses, her classroom setup , personal achievements and also the resume. I thought an e portfolio which includes much more than a resume is quite applicable for a teacher who needs to show the person he/ she is as a whole.

I also looked up at http://www.getideas.org/ it looks and sounds very interesting. It talks about communication, collaboration and sharing the power of knowledge, which are some of the skills required for the 21st century along with critical thinking, problem solving , innovation.
I soon plan to become a member of this site to learn more by communicating with other teachers and leading teachers around the world ie peers around the world and get support with ideas which inform my teaching thus my learning.

Upon reading, Australian digital portfolios model website www.pa.ash.org.au/natcom helped to bettter understand the purposefulness and resoursefulness of portfolios in a school environment. Now almost all schools are in the process of creating e portfolios by their students and which will evolve and develop as the students progresses through school. Upon reading I have come to understand e portfolios are the 21 st century based celebration of student as a learner, a structure to track progress, promotes student's ability to reflect on their learning and producing work for authentic audience and sharing learning among peers inthe school and other schools.

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